Archive for the ‘ Germany ’ Category


General Franco gave list of Spanish Jews to Nazis | World news | The Guardian

General Franco gave list of Spanish Jews to Nazis

Register compiled in case dictator joined Axis forces

• Archive find undermines claim Franco helped Jews

General Franco meeting Adol HitlerHitler and General Franco meet on the French side of the border on 23 October 1940. Photograph: LAPI/Roger Viollet/Getty Images

It was the list that would have sent thousands more Jews to their deaths in Auschwitz and other extermination camps run by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime during the second world war, but this time the victims were to be Spaniards.

The Spanish dictator, General Francisco Franco, whose apologists usually claim that he protected Jews, ordered his officials to draw up a list of some 6,000 Jews living in Spain and include them in a secret Jewish archive. Continue reading