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A victory on Keystone XL… and the fight continues. | CREDO

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“Your rejection of Keystone XL was a victory for our country. The urgency of climate change demands more climate victories, very soon. Take the opportunity of the State of the Union Address to call for bold action to confront climate change.”
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CREDO Action | more than a network, a movement.

A huge victory against Keystone XL… and the fight continues.

Dear Reader,

This is why activism matters.

Six months ago, the Obama Administration was set to approve one of the single most environmentally disastrous fossil fuel projects imaginable.

Today, it’s dead.

The Keystone XL pipeline — designed to bring filthy tar sands oil from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas so that oil companies can profit by selling the oil overseas — was dealt a severe setback yesterday when President Obama said no to an election year blackmail threat by the American Petroleum Institute and its lackeys in Congress.

But President Obama didn’t reject Keystone XL because he wanted to. Or because he thought it was the right thing to do. Or because he thought it would help his reelection campaign. He rejected it because you made him do it.

It’s a victory for activists. But because the President rejected the pipeline on a narrow technicality,1 in no way has he set down a clear marker against the pipeline or the carbon bomb that burning Canadian tar sands oil in China represents.

We want to thank the many groups and thousands of activists, who, following the inspiring call of Bill McKibben (Seems JIM is the man pulling this string?), joined us in putting massive public pressure on the President. In fact, CREDO waged the single largest activism campaign in our history.2

It was this pressure that forced President Obama to initially delay the decision in November. And it was this pressure, combined with the Republicans’ overzealous and irresponsible demand of a 60-day deadline that forced him yesterday to reject the pipeline permit.

Our pressure overcame the lies and propaganda of Republicans and oil giants, and their threats of “huge political consequences” if he didn’t approve it.

Rejecting this pipeline was the right thing to do. But by rejecting it purely on a technicality, there are many things President Obama did not do:

  • He did not close the door to this pipeline once and for all. In fact, he specifically opened the door to the southern portion of Keystone XL, which would allow this oil to be exported overseas — the real reason TransCanada wanted Keystone XL in the first place.
  • He did not explain the imperative of stopping not just this project, but others that will expedite disastrous warming. Just the opposite — he touted the need to expand oil and gas drilling and made no mention of clean energy.
  • He did not refute the lies of Republicans and polluters, whose biggest “jobs plan” is a foreign oil pipeline whose chief purpose is to export oil overseas.

The time to lead us away from dirty fuels and prevent escalating global catastrophes from climate change is here. And President Obama still can.

Tell President Obama: It’s time to lead on climate. Make the case in your State of the Union Address. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Until President Obama makes a clear and compelling case to the American people for sweeping action to reduce our dependence on any and all fossil fuels, the pace of our transition will remain slower than what is required to stem the onrushing danger of climate pollution.

Until he refutes the false choice presented by Big Oil and Republicans — that we must choose between a clean energy future and a stable economy — he empowers and remains vulnerable to their attacks.

Until he shows his commitment to clean energy over dirty fossil fuels, the energy of progressive activists will be spent fighting individual bad decisions, instead of pushing to support needed progressive policies.

And ultimately, until President Obama takes the opportunity for a true moment of leadership that publicly raises the stakes on the fight to stabilize our climate, the State of our Union will remain deeply clouded.

Tell President Obama: It’s time to lead on climate. Make the case in your State of the Union Address.

Click below to automatically sign the petition:

For now, it is clear that we must fight for every victory. It’s also clearer than ever that when we fight, we can win.

Let’s use this momentum to push for even broader victories to bring about the type of future that you and I know is still possible.

Thank you for being part of this historic victory.

Becky Bond, Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets Continue reading | Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)

The following was excerpted from  But I must interject the OBLIVIOUS QUESTION of how come they have not updated their content with NEW research?   Our Most Prestigious Universities in USA have MUCH MORE NEW RESEARCH showing Cannabinoids shrink tumors and can ultimately get rid of them, it seems not just stop there, but the hemp and medicine do wonders for many things.  Modern Uses  BUT IT IS A MAJOR CONFLICT FOR OUR CURRENT INDUSTRIES!!

This complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) information summary provides an overview of the use of Cannabis and its components as a treatment for people with cancer -related symptomscaused by the disease itself or its treatment.

This summary contains the following key information:

  • Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. 
  • By federal law, the possession of Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is illegal in the United States. 
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved Cannabis as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition. 
  • Chemical components of Cannabis, called cannabinoids, activate specific receptors found throughout the body to produce pharmacologic effects, particularly in the central nervous systemand the immune system
  • Commercially available cannabinoids, such as dronabinol and nabilone, are approved for the treatment of cancer-related side effects. 
  • Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects

Many of the medical and scientific terms used in this summary are hypertext linked (at first use in each section) to the NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, which is oriented toward nonexperts. When a linked term is clicked, a definition will appear in a separate window. All linked terms and their corresponding definitions will appear in a glossary in the printable version of the summary.

Continue reading

The Truth Behind War.

In the case of every war that we have ever fought, as a human family, both teams have been played by US — but only one side has truthfully been played by us.

Now this is how typically, they work.

Each side sends the flower of its youth off, to tunes of glory, to blow the legs and heads of the flower of our youth of the other side, each team playing the role of the deity to the role of the other’s devil, in a curious inverted magnetic field conformation, more about which later on.

Take for example “OUR eternal” Jihad vs. Crusade situation, according to which the kids of both sides,

all members of one human family,

our own, Continue reading

The Tel Aviv Cluster

Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.

Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.

In his book, “The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement,” Steven L. Pease lists some of the explanations people have given for this record of achievement. The Jewish faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability. It is learning-based, not rite-based. Continue reading