Archive for June 24th, 2012

Sheldon Adelson | Casino Mogul hurting U.S. interests?

‎”He considers a Palestinian state “a steppingstone for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people,” and has called the Palestinian prime minister a terrorist. He is even further to the right than the main pro-Israeli lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which he broke with in 2007 when it supported economic aid to the Palestinians”, said the article.

Is Sheldon Adelson harming U.S. interests by pouring money into Republicans?

The casino magnate is proving to be an anti-Obama force to be reckoned with.
He owns casinos all over the US and is a Jewish guy buying -with his stolen money – from the American people their own country ~ with loyalty to Israel First ~Is America the next ‘Palestine’ ?Here are the steps Adelman follows:

  1. Own casinos all over the US (inciting politicians/lobbyists/rep’s to bend rules/laws)
  2. Incite Americans to come gamble and lose their money
  3. Then after robbing them of their money thru his casinos, use their money to buy their government.
  4. His loyalty? Israel first, second and third ~ it’s that simple.

Marijuana legislation gaining momentum across U.S. – Associated Press

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – Catharine Leach is married and has two boys, age 2 and 8. She has a good job with a federal contractor and smokes pot most every day. While she worries that her public support for marijuana decriminalization and legalization could cost her a job or bring the police to her doo…

List of admitted Democratic Socialists in Congress released

American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, August 13, 2010, 4:16 PM
Gateway Pundit

The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.
This admission was recently posted on

American Socialist Voter–
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez,
Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below
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Cannabis Health Science (Full page forthcoming.)