Archive for July 23rd, 2010

Classified information in the United States

The United States government classification system is currently established under Executive Order 13526, the latest in a long series ofexecutive orders on the topic.[1] Issued by President Barack Obama in 2009, Executive Order 13526 replaced earlier executive orders on the topic and modified the regulations codified to 32 C.F.R. 2001. It lays out the system of classification, declassification, and handling ofnational security information generated by the U.S. government and its employees and contractors, as well as information received from other governments.[2] Continue reading

Armas Mini Nucleares Parte I y II corregidas – Municiones especiales de demolición atómicas

Agradecimientos: Gracias a Gerardo Segade por corregir la gramática de los dos artículos sobre bombas mini nucleares. Los colgamos de forma conjunta.

Hoy nos toca hablar de armas mini-nucleares. En EE.UU. se llaman SADMs por su acrónimo en inglés. Por error, muchos piensan que se trata de SMALL ATOMIC DEMOLITION MUNITIONS (Municiones de Demolición Atómicas Pequeñas). En realidad, se trata de (SPECIAL ATOMIC DEMOLITION MUNITIONS, es decir municiones especiales de demolición atómicas). El término “mini-bombas”, es un término popular. Por lo general, se refiere a una carga nuclear portátil, diseñada para explotar con un potencial destructivo variable, como mínimo de 0,010 kt (10 toneladas de TNT), o 0,015 kt (15 toneladas de TNT), así como 0,1 kt (100 toneladas de TNT); 0,2 kt (200 toneladas de TNT); 0,3kt, 0,4 kt, 0,5 kt, etc. hasta 1 kilotón (1.000 toneladas de TNT). El potencial destructivo está determinado por el usuario final de forma manual. Continue reading

How bad is Heroin Withdrawal?

An excerpt from:

Heroin, Myths and Reality

by: Jara A. Krivanek pub. 1988, Allen & Unwin

and a general discussion, with references of the dangers of heroin.

“The development of physical dependence depends as much on regularity of use as on the amount actually used. In practice, the vast majority of addicts of not use heroin consistently on an ongoing basis. Less than half of the addicts who have been on the streets for more than a year will have used daily for that period (Johnson, 1978). They may voluntarily withdraw to reduce their tolerance, or the scene may be temporarily too much of a hassle, or they may have an important engagement such as a trial, at which an appearance of addiction would be undesirable. Or they may simply need a rest. During such times, physical dependence may virtually disappear, yet they will still think of themselves and describe themselves as addicts. In other cases, the users may never use enough drug to develop significant physical dependence. Senay (1986) estimates that between 25 per cent and 40 per cent of street addicts are not physically dependent. Nevertheless, such ‘chippers’ may wish to see themselves as addicts for reasons of their own, and will so describe themselves. Continue reading

Heroin – Basic Facts About Heroin

Heroin – Basic Facts About Heroin.


Cirrhosis – What Is Cirrhosis of the Liver – Liver Disease – Alcoholism Video.

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction – Facts About Drug Addiction – Treatment for Drug Use and Drug Dependence Video.

Judeocentrics and Mass Crimes

(via Piotr Bein’s wordpress blog = blog Piotra Beina)

What do you Guys think about this?? Some good info to dig into. I will, within some time.

Piotr Bein

paper prepared for the International Comparative Genocide Research project of the Hiroshima City University, 2009

Introduction…………………………………………… 2

Power and ideology………………………………….. 2

Conquest and prevention………………………….. 2

Secret power…………………………………………. 4

Messianic cults……………………………………… 5

Power, racism and rabbinic prophecies………….. 7

Sacrifice and scapegoating…………………………. 9

Secret society geopolitics………………………… 10

God’s chosen and genocide………………………. 11

Judeocentric Power Complex…………………….. 13

Neocons and Christian Zionists…………………. 13

Roadmap to NWO………………………………… 15

Exploit Islamism………………………………….. 16

US-Israel-Turkey nexus…………………………… 17

Opportunistic hatred………………………………. 18

Interventionism……………………………………. 20

The puppets…………………………………………. 22

Globalist aims?……………………………………. 23

Islamist Trojan Horse…………………………….. 24

European Union…………………………………… 30

Vatican……………………………………………… 36

Conclusions………………………………………….. 38


Armenian genocide, Bilderberg, Bolshevism, Communism, Dönmeh, Frankists, ethnic cleansing, gendercide, genocide, infowar, intellicide, interventionism, Judaism, Judeocentric Power Complex, Lubavitchers, messianism, neocons, NWO, Palestine, PNAC, Rothschilds, scapegoating, secret societies, terrorism, Turkey, GWOT, Yugoslavia.


Anti-Semitism: bigoted prejudice vs. Jews.

Anti-Zionism: opposition to Zionism on various grounds – from Judaic religious to secular Gentile opposition, to brutal colonization of Palestine and genocide (the latter issue is dealt with in this essay).

Dönmeh: crypto-Jewish converts to Islam in the Near East, followers of the 17th century Ottoman Jewish messiah Sabbatai Zevi.

Frankist: a follower of 18th century radical Jewish religious leader Jacob Frank, who claimed to be reincarnate of self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi and of King David.

Holocaust (this essay): WWII genocide on more than twenty groups, Slavs being the most numerous.

Judeocentrism: serving narrow, often partisan and extreme pro-Israeli, pro-Judaic and/or pro-Zionist interest, without regard for the rights of others; also espoused by non-Jewish Christian Zionists.

Masonic: of or relating to the international secret order of Freemasons.

Messianism (in this essay): belief in the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

Neoconservative (neocon): an Israel-first, US political orientation of Judeocentric politicians and public servants.

Shoah: the annihilation of Jews in WWII.

Zionism: a movement for (originally) the reestablishment and (now) the development and protection of Jewish nation in Palestine or elsewhere.

Judeocentric Power Complex (Judeocentrics)): a global web of powerful individuals and organizations who advocate for, support and carry out radical Israel-first and Judeocentric policies; JPC includes Zionist Christians and moderate Jews.


Date convention: x.y.z, where x = day, y = month, z = year. Example: 24.3.1999 = March 24, 1999.

Phonetic equivalents of Serbo-Croatian letters: ć = soft ch, č = ch, š = sh, đ = dj, ž = zh.

Reference at paragraph’s end refers to the whole paragraph, unless other references occur in it.


9/11          September 11, 2001, attacks in the USA

BiH          Bosnia and Herzegovina

D&FA      Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy

DPG        “Defense Planning Guidance”

FYROM  Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

GWOT     global war on terror

ICTY       International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia

JPC          Judeocentric Power Complex

KFOR      NATO-led international occupation forces in Kosovo

KLA        Kosovo Liberation Army

MEP        member of European Parliament

NAU        North American Union

NGO        non-governmental organization

NYT New York Times

OIC          Organization for the Islamic Conference

OSCE      Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

PNAC      Project for a New American Century

PR            Public Relations

SFOR      Stabilization Force (UN-NATO force in Bosnia-Herzegovina)

UNMIK   UN Mission in Kosovo

UNSC      United Nations Security Council

WMD      weapons of mass destruction


20th century saw an increasing number of civilian victims of mass crimes: 1915 Armenian genocide, Bolshevik genocide of Russian Orthodox Christians and others, two world wars, the Holocaust of tens of millions of Slavs, millions of Jews and others in WWII, post-WWII persecution of patriots in Communist Eastern Europe and in the European colonies, and genocide of Palestinians. Having destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan, the present GWOT might become nuclear. This essay presents the common power thread behind the mass violence and terror, understanding of which is key to prevention. The essay draws on the under-reported Balkan case. Power over others is accomplished with arms, infowar, ideological instruments (political and religious infiltration, transformation of traditional values, religious conversion), economic subjugation, financial control (as seen in the Fall 2008, “bail-out” crisis), selective justice, and procreation to outnumber “them”. A companion essay examines the instruments and local animosities and actors in the Balkan context,[1] while this essay overviews the conquest ideology (section 1), definition of the powers responsible (section 2), and synergies with external actors (section 3). Continue reading